Sunday, 22 March 2015

Sloppy seconds

Short and sweet post this week. Just like the sneaky pair of pj shorts that I've made out of some of the left over fabric that I didn't need to finish my boyfriend's full length birthday pj bottoms. It's a "his 'n' hers" sort of thing. Cute hey?

I'm genearally really happy with them. My first attempt at applying bias tape around the bottom went really well. The only scruffy bit is where the two ends meet - and that's my fault. I didn't read far enough ahead in the pattern and I tried to machine it all the way around when I should have slip stitched the end by hand. Another one that I'll know how to do better next time. It was pre made bias tape, but I reckon I could make my own another time.

And before you ask - yes! I got the button holes nicely aligned this time! Which means that my shorts are are better than the boyfriend's birthday present! Ha!

Again, I still need to make it to a shop to get some ribbon or similar for a drawstring, so imagine that's there too when perusing these photos(once the birthday celebrations are done I'll upload a picture of us both).

1 comment:

  1. ps - i think the photos are looking better as well..
