Sunday, 17 May 2015

Reasons to be Positive

Within minutes of of publishing my last post, a number of people who I admire and respect wrote compassionate and inspiring pieces about the importance of not getting angry and the power of positive action. So now I really do feel guilty about my rant last week... I'm not going to delete it because it will serve as a reminder to me not to wallow but to DO SOMETHING. But what? I've spent this week looking for positive responses to the election and complied this short list:

Owen Jones has begun what I'm calling a crusade for hope over the last week. As he says, it "comes down to a clear message of hope – exactly what the SNP offered in Scotland. The politics of fear might seem pretty invincible now". He is great. Watch this and get inspired (and, if you're anything like me, indulge your silly crush Owen):

While you're on You Tube (and while we're talking about my silly crushes) you should also check out Jake Yapp's "All Mouth" videos. They started out as "All Mouth and No Trewsers" - a response to Russell Brand's you tube channel "The Trews" (which I also really enjoy and throughly recommend), but he's also posted a message of positivity and understanding and an interview about proportional representation.

Jessica Hynes used her 'best female comedy performance' speech at the BAFTAs to slam austerity and promote the Arts Emergency charity. She is also offering 20 days of her time to 20 state school drama departments to encourage young actors/writers into her profession. If you're reading this, I assume it's because I tempted you here with talk of sewing and craft and those little acts of human creation that we hold so dear. No, they can't always be commoditised - but they are always worth doing.

Abi Wilkinson wrote this piece for the mirror. A direct,  to the point and very useful list of 7 things you can actually do to make a difference if you oppose this government. I'm at 5/7.

I've also dusted myself down, ordered some new fabric and got the sewing machine out again. Whilst its not going to bring down the government, it does make me feel good. I've been making bunting out of fabric scraps or upcoming birthday parties and cutting out the pattern to make a shift dress out of this lovely (but a bit scary) Ponte Roma Jersey from Backstitch. This will be the first time I've worked with Jersey.  I'm terrified. Wish me luck (and note the use of tinned tomatoes to try and keep it from moving!!)

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